
# This demonstrates an efficient (fast) method of fitting data to a PHREEQC model.
# It uses the PhreePlot pre-processor which replicates blocks of PHREEQC code with minor changes.
# This enables the 'one pass' option to be used and avoids the copying normally necessary (cf ison.ppi).
# The expanded input file is writen to the log file.

  jobTitle                             "Test fitting"
  calculationType                      "fit"
  calculationMethod                    1

  dataFile                             "isopp.dat"        # fit data file - has observations
  onePass                              TRUE               # this produces a block of selected output with 10 lines of data (not 1)
  mainLoop                             1
  dependentVariableColumnObs           sorbed             # column in isopp.dat
  dependentVariableColumnCalc          Znsorbed           # column in selected output
  fitFiniteDiffStepSize                1.0E-03            # initial step size for parameter adjustment
  weightColumn                         wt                 # column in fit data file with the weights
  numberOfFitParameters                2
  fitParameterNames                    "log_k" "M1"
  fitLogParameters                     0 0
  fitAdjustableParameters              1 1                # 1= adjustable, 0 = fixed
  fitParameterValues                   3. 1.              # initial values

  plotTitle                            "Zn sorption on Hfo<br>(all in one pass of the input preprocessor)"
  xtitle                               "Zn concn (mmol/L)"
  ytitle                               "Zn sorbed (mmol Zn/mol Fe)"
  lines                                calculated         # plot this column from the out file as lines
  points                               observed
  lineWidth                            0.4
  lineColor                            "red"
  labelSize                            0.0
  legendTextSize                       0.0
  pointSize                            4.0
  customXcolumn                        Znconcn

# debug 3  # to see input and selected output on screen


    -reset false
    Surf Surf
    Surf = Surf
    log_k 0

    Surf + Zn+2 = SurfZn+2
    log_k <log_k>                                          # from fitParameterNames

          -high_precision true
      -reset false

    -headings Znsorbed pH molZn step
    10 sorbedZn=SURF("Zn","Surf")
    20 if (step_no = 0) THEN punch sorbedZn, -la("H+"), tot("Zn")*1e3, step_no

Description	Zn	pH	Na	N(5)
	mmol/kgw		mmol/kgw	mmol/kgw
1	3.00E-02	5.5	1000	1000
2	6.90E-02	5.5	1000	1000
3	1.18E-01	5.5	1000	1000
4	1.66E-01	5.5	1000	1000
5	2.17E-01	5.5	1000	1000
6	2.70E-01	5.5	1000	1000
7	3.25E-01	5.5	1000	1000
8	3.88E-01	5.5	1000	1000
9	4.53E-01	5.5	1000	1000
10	5.12E-01	5.5	1000	1000

  <repeatStart1>  1 10
    Surf <M1>                                              # from fitParameterNames
      -equil <repeatValue1>